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Canadian Auditing Standards



June 3, 2021

Resource, Article

Fraud, Going Concern, and the Expectation Gap

Although the external audit is only one element within the broader financial reporting ecosystem, the auditor’s role in audits of financial statements continues to receive heightened public attention. We’re working to better understand the expectation gap between the perception of the auditor’s role and their responsibilities in a financial statement audit. Read this article to learn more about our outreach initiatives, and watch a video excerpt from our recent presentation on this topic!

January 25, 2021

Resource, Guidance

Close Call Going Concern Assessments

Did you conclude that your company did not have material uncertainties associated with its ability to continue as a going concern? Would small changes to the assumptions you used change that assessment? Read this joint resource issued by the AcSB and AASB on accounting and auditing considerations relating to close call going concern assessments.

January 22, 2019

Resource, Guidance

Auditor Reporting Guide – Reporting implications of Canadian Auditing Standards (2nd edition)

The purpose of this publication is to promote consistency in the form and content of practitioners' reports by providing guidance with respect to commonly occurring circumstances. This guide does not amend or override auditing or review standards, the texts of which alone are authoritative, nor does it necessarily address all audit reporting changes resulting from the Canadian Auditing Standards.