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Other Canadian Standards

Understanding the entity’s process for preparing EER information

How is the entity’s process for preparing subject matter information (including internal controls) considered in an EER assurance engagement?

Paragraphs 47L and 47R of CSAE 3000 require a practitioner:

  • in a limited assurance engagement, to consider the entity’s process to prepare the EER information; or
  • in a reasonable assurance engagement, to obtain an understanding of internal control over the preparation of the subject matter information relevant to the engagement, including evaluating the design of the controls relevant to the engagement and determining whether they have been implemented.

The guidance in Chapter 6, “Considering the Process Used to Prepare, or Internal Control Over the Preparation of, the Subject Matter Information,” is particularly relevant when the entity is still developing its process for preparing the subject matter information and related controls, or when that process involves obtaining information from external sources.


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