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Auditing and Assurance Standards Oversight Council Guidelines for Observers

  1. Although we try to accommodate all public observers at meetings of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Oversight Council (AASOC), the number of seats is limited. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee that all those wishing to observe proceedings will be admitted to the meeting room. Observers wishing to attend meetings should complete the Observer Registration Form well in advance of the meeting. Observers should advise her if they subsequently find they cannot attend, so that their places can be given to others.
  2. Observers must register on arrival at the meeting, at which stage a name badge will be given to you. Potential observers who have not given advance notification will be admitted to the meeting only if space permits.
  3. Delegations of more than two people from the same organization will be admitted to the meeting, if space permits, only at the discretion of the Chair.
  4. AASOC’s agendas are divided into items that are discussed in private (generally dealing with general administrative matters or matters with privacy implications) and those that are open to the public. The Chair may determine that part of a meeting may be closed to public observation for an agenda item that does not deal with general administrative matters or matters with privacy implications, if the item involves a matter or material that AASOC has agreed to receive on a confidential basis or that is otherwise likely to result in disclosure of matters of a type that is normally dealt with in private. The Chair may direct that a meeting in session be cleared of public observers, temporarily or permanently, whenever the Chair determines that a discussion, during the meeting or any portion open to public observation, should be closed for any of these reasons.
  5. The meeting agenda and timetable, and the extent, if any, to which the meeting is to be closed to public observation, will be posted in advance of the meeting on the AASOC website. The Chair may, at his or her discretion, determine to close a meeting previously announced as being open in whole or in part, or to open a meeting previously announced as being closed. Significant changes to meeting arrangements will be publicly announced if and as practicable. Observers are encouraged to check the website shortly before the meeting for last minute changes. Those planning to attend a meeting may wish to contact AASOC's Secretary during normal business hours for information. The Chair may adjourn any meeting in whole or in part to reconvene at another time, date, or place by an announcement at the meeting. AASOC does not accept any responsibility for losses or inconvenience caused by changes to timing or difficulties in accommodating members of the public.
  6. AASOC documents and agenda item support material will not be provided to observers. Summaries or slide presentations may be available at the meeting, or posted on AASOC's website.
  7. Observers are not permitted to participate in discussions at the meetings. Observers are also not permitted (without the consent of the Chair) to take photographs or operate video cameras or tape recorders, in the meeting room. Mobile phones may not be operated in the meeting room.
  8. Observers are asked to remain in the designated public seating area of the meeting room and not to enter the AASOC seating area.
  9. AASOC is not able to invite visitors to join AASOC members for lunch or dinner. Observers are requested not to bring food into the meeting room.
  10. The Chair may eject or exclude any person in attendance at any meeting whenever the Chair deems it appropriate to preserve decorum, or for health or safety reasons, or to terminate unacceptable behaviour.
  11. AASOC is unable to make hotel arrangements for observers.
  12. AASOC is unable to make telephone, fax, computer or copying facilities available for observers.